Welcome to the Ombuds Office Children's Rights Switzerland

Welcome to the Ombuds Office Children's Rights Switzerland

Latest blog entry
18 December 2024

Children’s rights in politics: isolated improvements achieved

The Ombuds Office Children’s Rights Switzerland aims to contribute its extensive knowledge to political discourse in order to strengthen children’s rights and ensure a child-friendly justice system. To this end, in 2024 it participated in numerous bills submitted for consultation, amongst other activities. In the coming year, the political developments concerning the planned enshrining of a non-violent upbringing in the Swiss Civil Code (CC) as well as the next steps taken by the Federal Council regarding the Noser motion for a public ombuds office for children’s rights will be particularly decisive.

Next training course

Troubles du développement et santé mentale - Repérage et prise en charge de l’enfant et de l’adolescent·e

Campus UNIL-EPFL, Lausanne
Public Cible

Professionnel·le·s de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, notamment:

Assistant·e·s sociaux·ales, éducateur·trice·s, enseignant·e·s, ergothérapeutes, infirmier·ère·s scolaires, logopédistes, médecins généralistes, médiateur·trice·s scolaires, pédiatres, pédopsychiatres, psychologues, psychomotricien·ne·s

Legal Advice for children and young people

Are you wondering what your rights are? Do you feel like nobody is listening to you or taking your needs seriously? The Ombuds Office Children’s Rights Switzerland is here to help!

Media enquiries

We are happy to provide journalists with information on request. Give us a call or write an email – we will gladly assist you. Press and media contact: info@kinderombudsstelle.ch

media enquiries