Welcome to the Ombuds Office Children's Rights Switzerland

Welcome to the Ombuds Office Children's Rights Switzerland

Latest blog entry
18 December 2023

«Family is not always a private matter»

Children’s rights are being violated? Even in a democratic, progressive country governed by the rule of law like Switzerland? We truly wish that it wasn’t the case. Yet attempts to consistently implement children’s rights are often frustrated by misguided notions of protection on the part of the individuals and authorities responsible for child welfare. Our Managing Director Irène Inderbitzin spoke to ElternMagazin Fritz+Fränzi, the Swiss magazine for parents, about the concerns that children continue to report to us at the national Ombuds Office for Children’s Rights. Among other things, Irène sheds light on how we offer advice and consultation, the tasks that the Ombuds Office performs and the root causes of these types of violations of children’s rights.

Next training course

Rolle und Auftrag der Schulsozialarbeit im Kindesschutz

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit, Hofackerstrasse 30, 4132 Muttenz

Das Fachseminar richtet sich speziell an Schulsozialarbeiter*innen, kann aber auch von Fachpersonen aus anderen Feldern der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (wie der offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, der sozialpädagogischen Familienbegleitung oder der Heimerziehung besucht werden), die sich mit den Aufgaben der Schulsozialarbeit im Kindesschutz vertraut machen wollen, besucht werden.

Legal Advice for children and young people

Are you wondering what your rights are? Do you feel like nobody is listening to you or taking your needs seriously? The Ombuds Office Children’s Rights Switzerland is here to help!

Media enquiries

We are happy to provide journalists with information on request. Give us a call or write an email – we will gladly assist you. Press and media contact: info@kinderombudsstelle.ch

media enquiries